Saturday, January 23, 2010

My pinky toenails are split as if I've 2 nails in 1 toe. My parents & my sis have 'em but not my kids. Why?

I'm always puzzled by the fact that both my pinky toenails are split with a bigger nail and a smaller nail. I tried to pull the small nail out few times but it would eventually grow back. My parents have them, my sister have them, but my two daughers don't. I don't know whether my brother-in-law has it or not but I know my nephews don't. Few of my friends have that too. Like myself, they are all ethic Chinese.My pinky toenails are split as if I've 2 nails in 1 toe. My parents %26amp; my sis have 'em but not my kids. Why?
It is possible that it is a trait that requires two dominant genes to be present in offspring, so since your parents both have it they probably have the gene so their kids got it, but since your mate doesn't have the gene your kids have regular toenails.My pinky toenails are split as if I've 2 nails in 1 toe. My parents %26amp; my sis have 'em but not my kids. Why?
Evolution. Some Ancestor in your family had split hooves.

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