Sunday, January 17, 2010

I have weak, paper thin finger nails that split into the nailbed?

What can I do to remedy this? Hard As Nails doesn't work!I have weak, paper thin finger nails that split into the nailbed?

Use gloves when washing dishes or using harsh chemicals. This will keep the nail bed from getting too wet and causing the nail to become weak. If you are not able to use gloves, minimize the amount of time the nails are wet and dry them immediately after they have been exposed to water for long periods of time.


Massage vitamin E oil into the cuticles every night before going to bed. This oil will absorb directly into the skin and the cuticle bed. Over time, the oil will make fingernails stronger.


Apply a thin coat of clear nail hardener over fingernails at least twice a day to help make the fingernails stronger. Do this for seven days consecutively, then remove the hardener and reapply a thin coat again, starting with day number one.


Implement the use of the nail biting medicine Thum to discourage the behavior. You can find this medicine in a local pharmacy or online. Reviews have shown that this medicine has proved to be successful in helping people to stop nail biting and chewing.


Drink milk or take calcium tablets daily to help the body in making the nails stronger. Even a multivitamin with a significant dose of calcium is beneficial in the effort to make fingernails stronger.I have weak, paper thin finger nails that split into the nailbed?
I have the same problem, whenever I let them grow a little bit longer they break. What I do to is I always have nail polish on, I know that's not a very good remedy but at least they look stronger like that.
Calcium tablets.
More protein in the diet. Milk does a body good. Drink some if you're not lactose intolerant.

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