Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What to do about a split toe nail?

My weimaraner just split her toenail and I don't know what to do about it! It's on her front right paw, second nail from the right. It's split up and down, like the lid on a tupperware. I am afraid to trim/cut the top half of the nail because it looks like it is important to protect the bottom half. It does appear to be hurting her, she is ginger with her weight and won't let me near it. She's just licking and licking it... any ideas on how to deal with this? I think the vet might need to take a look at it, but until then, any suggestions??

Thank you!!!What to do about a split toe nail?
If you are going to put anything on it, just put neosporin or warm soapy water. If it starts to bleed, put ice on it or a cold compress.

Find first aid-type bandaging (stuff that will allow air to her foot) and wrap it lightly until you can get her to the vet. Or you could use a sock. Call your vet in the morning!!! They may need to take off the rest of the nail (or whatever is split) but it should grow back. They will also put her on a good skin antibioticWhat to do about a split toe nail?
Vet! Right away! It can get infected easily and your dog may have to have her foot removed. Until you can get her to a vet you could apply a cleaning solution to it and keep it wrapped if your dog won't leave it alone.
well jus feel sry for it.....i knw this is a stupid answer...but i am really in need of points...sry..

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