Friday, January 15, 2010

Last night noticed my little min pins back toe nail was split open.?

I didn't want to pull it off because I think it would have hurt her but I'm not sure what to do. It's cut back pretty deep, however she's running around fine, jumping.....but when she lays down she keeps licking it. I'm not sure if I should do anything or if this is something that will heal on its own the au naturale way. I think i can see the tip of the quick. Should I clip the hanging toe nail off and wash her paw and put hydrogen peroxide on it?.....Thanks in advance.Last night noticed my little min pins back toe nail was split open.?
Do just as you said but also have the steptic powder handy *just in case*.

Good Luck Hon,

H.O.T. Dog

Handler Owner Trainer of GSD's

Member U.S.A- MSSV - A.W.D.FLast night noticed my little min pins back toe nail was split open.?
I would clip off the part of the claw that is haning off so that it does not get caught on anything or cause any more of a problem. Hydrogen peroxide is also a good idea. Make sure that the nail bed and the nail are still intact. If you could move the whole entire nail up and down and it seems loose it is possible that she has broken her nail and that may cause a nail bed infection which is not a good thing. It might not be a bad idea to wrap her foot so that she stops licking it because that can only irritate it more.

If it does not seem to be healing within a few days I would definetly get her in to see the vet, if it does lead to infection then she would need to be put on antibiotics.

Good luck
before you do anything call a vet! see if they say you can pull of the nail without damaging anything. good luck:)
Wash her paw with the peroxide, dry well and glue it back together using a drop of superglue or people nail glue. If you use a toothpick as an applicator, it may be easier to apply. This will weld her nail back together until it can grow out more and you can trim it without hurting her at all.
do just what you said
This actually happened to me a few months ago. I made a vet appointment to have them remove the rest of the hanging nail, and lo and behold-it came off by itself the next day before I could get in. Needless to say, it started growing back right away. The vet actually told me not to clip it off myself, as that could start it bleeding again, and the quick needed to heal without the extra trauma. I am sure your little pin will be just fine.

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